Mr. Jackson

Why you should implement video marketing into your next campaign

Video marketing is the way to go

videos are replacing pictures faster than netflix took blockbuster out of business. It is predicted than by 2022 , online videos will make up more than 82% of internet traffic. We already see applications like snapchat, instagram and tiktok implementing new features that favour videos in their application. 

so the question we are answering today is why?

Our answer is simple ” Story telling” videos simply convey more information than a picture could ever. If you took a picture of your vacation you would definitely receive a ton of engagement simply on the fact that you are in a foreign location, but if you posted a video you give your audience a better sense of the environment and vibe you were experiencing. you are likely to get more likes , views and engagements than the picture you thought “did something”

When it comes to business and brands , studies show that 54% of consumers want to see more videos from their favorite businesses.Don’t let your customers down show them how the work life is in your company, how detailed the product you are offering is or simply construct a video actually talking about the product. The addition of a voice over to any video increases your engagement because it sounds like you are actually conversing directly to your audience instead of writing a long caption that probably a fraction of your followers will read.

Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when they read in text.( people on instagram don’t even read they screen through text )

So when launching that new marketing campaign try and curate a video please  

or you could hire us to do it for you.

Gracias 😉


  • Bill- bradley Anyanwu (CEO)

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