Mr. Jackson

Persuasive AD Techniques

 Have you ever been driving in the middle of the night and suddenly there is a new billboard that wasn’t there before? Persuasive advertising techniques work just like that. We don’t see them coming, but all of sudden there is a new, flashy ad that we’re almost forced to read out of curiosity and then we just can’t forget about it.


Persuasive advertising is everywhere. It’s in TV commercials, print ads and even on billboards. It’s also in the news and on social media sites.
Persuasive techniques are used to get people to buy a product or service. The goal of persuasive advertising is to convince you that you need something so badly, that you might forget about other needs and just buy what they’re selling.
The 3 Elements of Persuasive Advertising
There are three main elements of persuasive advertising:
Emotion: This is where the ad tries to make you feel something about the product or service being advertised. For example, if an ad for a new car makes you feel excited about driving it or makes you think about how great it would be to drive one, then it’s using emotion as a persuasive technique. If it uses fear (like an ad for insurance), then that’s also an emotion-based persuasion technique—just not a positive one! The goal is to get you emotionally involved with whatever they’re selling and make you want it!

Visuals: Visuals help us understand what we’re looking at and make it easier for us to remember something like an advertisement or other piece 


Logical Advertising  appeals to the audience logical thinking , This can be done by using established actors , blogs and knowledge.

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Bill-bradley. (CEO) 

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