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Standard E-commerce Sales Funnels vs Luxury

Regular Sales Funnel vs Luxury E-commerce funnel

Selling on the internet is the new trend that doesn’t seem to be disappearing anytime soon.  If you’re new to the E-commerce space a major lesson you should know is the difference between regular and Luxury Ecommerce Funnels. 

In regular stores , product space is optimized for as much products as possible , aka Amazon , Online Boutiques etc. Luxury stores take a different approach , instead of the quanity of visitors , one should focus on the quality of the visitor. This might mean having a paid subscription before access of the luxury good to sift through the serious buyers and online watchers. A luxury e-commerce sales funnel needs more attention to finer details such as privacy policies, contracts etc. 

If you’re selling luxury goods, you know that your customers are looking for an experience.

They want the process of buying your products to be as special as the things themselves. They want to feel like they’ve joined a club, and that if they buy from you, they’ll get access to an exclusive world.

But when it comes time for them to actually make a purchase, that’s where things can fall apart. The problem is that traditional e-commerce sales funnels don’t work for luxury products in the same way that they do for more ordinary items like books or shoes. And if you’re not doing something different with your marketing strategies—especially on social media—you might be missing out on sales opportunities with every new customer who comes through your website.

If you’re looking to improve your luxury goods e-commerce sales funnel, it’s important to know why the typical e-commerce sales funnel doesn’t work for luxury products.

Luxury products are different from average products because they have a higher price point and often require a longer buying process. This can include things like:

1. A longer decision-making process on the client’s part

2. A longer buying process on the client’s part (e.g., shopping around before making a decision)

3. The need to make multiple purchases over time (e.g., purchasing accessories with each new outfit)

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Bill-bradley. (CEO) 

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