Local marketing for beginners



We’re are always providing information for online businesses but today is about the local business in your neighborhood. 

Local marketing consists of marketing strategies that are used to attract customers in a specific mile range


  1. LISTING (Search engine listing)  – Most people today search for business and services through google , bing or apple maps. The 1st step would be to constantly update your online listing. There are couple softwares that can help you achieve this such as MOZ Local

  2. Sponsoring LOCAL EVENTS – Launching local events will not only get your business recognized in the community but it is a good way to build a relationship with your customers. Most local businesses will have what we call “regulars” people who consistently interact with their business. It is critical to form a relationship and sense of trust between each other!
  3. Social media ( LOCAL ADVERTISING ) Instagram is a great way to target social media users in a specific location. If you enter your stores location it will give you a mile range to send your promotions to. We once worked with a club/bar and these promotions were very successful because the location was already in the post and people who lived in the area could tell how close it was to them.
  4.  Referral programs – Offering a reward program for referrals is a great way to build a good list of clientele because if you offer a good service or product your outreach is limitless. By honoring the referral system you can have multiple people come from 1 customer and now whenever someone comes through those doors there’s a potential that they can lead to another 10 individuals coming in! This is a great marketing strategy to implement along with others.
  5.  Billboards- Billboards are another great platform in which local businesses can optimize. Setting a billboard on a busy road near your businesses location can bring in local and foreign clients. Your outreach is extremely higher than social media or online marketing because you can reach a million people in 1 day if your billboard is in a busy location. We can help you launch your billboard anywhere in the US , contact us by clicking here

Bill- bradley Anyanwu (CEO)

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