Digital Entrepreneur

Persuasive AD Techniques

 Have you ever been driving in the middle of the night and suddenly there is a new billboard that wasn’t there before? Persuasive advertising techniques work just like that. We don’t see them coming, but all of sudden there is a new, flashy ad that we’re almost forced to read out of curiosity and then …

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Top 5 Marketing Automation Softwares

5 New Marketing  Automation Softwares You should Know About ActiveDEMAND is a flexible marketing platform for digital marketing agencies and marketers. ActiveDEMAND packages range from the full-featured call tracking application for the small business marketer to the powerful Marketing Agency Portal designed for digital marketing agencies with multi-client management needs. Engage and track prospects using the …

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The Big Puzzle

Let’s talk about how everything in marketing is a puzzle piece , email marketing , content marketing etc how it’s different from sales where there’s more of a direct correlation Every piece is important when it comes to puzzles , we all know the frustration of losing a Lego piece. Think about your marketing strategy …

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How often do i get Advertised to ? ( You’d be Surprised)

How many ad’s do you think you see daily?   Digital Marketing experts estimate that most Americans are exposed to around 4,000 to 10,000 advertisements each day. As media channels emerge, so do new advertising opportunities Why so many I guess because advertisements are very useful. Companies need advertisements to attract more customers. That would help them …

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Email Marketing For Beginners

 Email Listing For Beginners  Emails , love them or hate them , they work. Email marketing actually has a 90.9% market penetration rate in the U.S. Free vs Paid  Getting someone’s email isn’t as hard as you may think. Unlike a phone number , people give up their emails daily. Our advice is to build …

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software development for businesses (Information Technology)

 How software can help your business run smoothly Software is sometimes an essential component to a business. The right software can be so effective and cost efficient that it may take over a whole department. saving you money on salary and making the business run smoothly due to lack of human error. It is crucial …

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Benefits of social media for young adults

 How young adults can benefit from social media People look at social media as an inexpensive entertainment and social application. In reality, social media is very expensive because the currency is something you can’t make back; time. The average person spends 146 minutes per day on social media. That is about 36 days in a …

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Types of Emotional Appeal and( tips on how to use them)

 How to appeal to your consumers emotions when advertising  Emotional appeal is a strategy businesses use to stimulate emotions among their consumers. Companies gather information through surveys , online data and studies and assess which emotion resonates best with an audience. In school we learned this as pathos.  Types of emotional appeal advertising Sadness Happiness …

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Local marketing for beginners

LOCAL MARKETING STRATEGIES THAT ATTRACT CUSTOMERS We’re are always providing information for online businesses but today is about the local business in your neighborhood. Local marketing consists of marketing strategies that are used to attract customers in a specific mile range LISTING (Search engine listing)  – Most people today search for business and services through …

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