How young adults can benefit from social media
People look at social media as an inexpensive entertainment and social application. In reality, social media is very expensive because the currency is something you can’t make back; time. The average person spends 146 minutes per day on social media. That is about 36 days in a year strictly devoted to social media. We are all human so fighting our tendencies rarely ever work so the next best thing is turning it into a positive experience. Imagine spending that amount of time actually learning through social media and networking with individuals who want to see you succeed and could be potential mentors.
Let’s dive right in on the benefit that social media can have on a young adult.
- Develop better social skills
- find new friends
- connect with family around the world
- Find mentors
- Develop real skills that can help them become more independent
- Become more knowledgeable
- learn about real events and current affairs outside of their immediate environments
Power of networking
- Networking – The exchange of information and ideas among people with a common profession or special interest, usually in an informal social setting networking often begins with. a single point of common ground.
Nowadays social media helps you conquer this “common ground” by showing you individuals that are mutual friends, recommended based on artificial studies of your character. Connecting with these individuals allows you to make new friends that can also help you grow as a person. Everyone in the world is here for a different reason, but we are all still connected. no one is a solo ship, we all need help. Social media is the perfect platform to find it at.
Businesses on social media
social media was made for businesses and exists solely by marketing. The age of the average entrepreneur is dropping every single year. This is primarily due to social media. Business models and plans have been remodeled to fit in social media, branding, and public relations. Young adults can learn about how to start an online business and run it from social media. mentors also sell cheap courses that are highly valuable and knowledgeable. If your going to be on social media might as well learn something from it.
Last but not least we’re going to talk about the benefits of social media on young adults’ mental health.
- It relieves social isolation and loneliness by opening up new communication pathways
- Inspires healthy lifestyle changes
- forms connections in a different way, when people are so open and authentic it promotes truth and self-love.
- Builds community by joining local meetups
- Strengthens existing relationships
- Provides young adults with opportunities to develop technical and other skills needed to function in society
social media isn’t harmful or beneficial in itself. but its manner of use is the determining factor – harvard studies
Bill- bradley Anyanwu (CEO)